Are you kidding me?!?!?!

Clara and I exchanged scowls.

Well, really, I scowled and Clara, my desktop computer, simply gave me a blank look. I was ranting at her, and it wasn’t really her fault. Still, she had no answers for me.

This summer has been nuts. I got my blog page started in late June. In early July, the family took a trip to Washington DC to celebrate our youngest son Joe’s graduation from high school. We got back and a week later, Joe and I were off to Kentucky, to work at a mission in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains. We got back just in time for me to plan and throw Joe’s 18th birthday party The suitcases are unpacked, the cake cleaned away and I sit down to check on my blog page. I had left with two pages up and two more set up to post while we were gone.

I open the blog to see two pages.

Only two pages.

 The same two that were there before we left for Washington.

You’re kidding me, right?

This isn’t what was planned. The other two entries can be pulled up in the pages, but there’s nothing showing they ever got posted for anyone other than me to see.

Please tell me you’re kidding.

Clara wasn’t kidding.


My apologies to my one current follower (two if you count me). I got a plea in to my tech people to help  me get those pages posted for you.

In the meantime, can someone explain this to me:

My husband was a computer programmer for 30+ years.

My oldest son builds computers in his spare time and is an avid gamer.

My middle son designs computer programs for hot/cold injection molding systems.

My youngest son runs a server out of his bedroom and will be starting college this fall to get a degree in computer programming.

Not one of them knows a thing about blogging.

My house is full of computer geeks who are social media idiots.

And that includes me.

Clara, stop laughing.