A few months ago, my writing mentor advised me to start a blog.

“Give it a catchy name.” She suggested.

It didn’t take too long to decide on “The Reluctant Firefly.” “Reluctant” because at the time I had no desire to start a blog at all, and “Firefly” because that’s the nickname I gave to my main character, the fairy named Ariel.

If you’ve been following my posts, all 1-2 of you, you’re probably thinking I do more movie watching than writing. In a lot of ways, that’s true. I like movies. Most of us do. Movies, TV, tablets and computers are a huge part of our lives and do a lot to interrupt our desires to be productive.

Rory, my walking companion and main interruption

Case in point: we got a dog this summer (Dogs are another BIG interruption to productivity). His name’s Rory. He’s a chihuahua / Scottie mix. That either makes him a Chiwatty or a Scottiwawa. Anyway, I had every intention of getting this blog out yesterday after taking Rory for his morning walk (This is a legitimate distraction, as I have no desire to be cleaning urine and other body waste out of the carpet). It was Saturday, so Rory was entitled to a long one hour walk first thing, as opposed to our once-around-the-block 15 minute walk he gets on work days, before I run out the door for my job that has money attached to it. As luck would have it, we got home and I was ready for a nap.

“Just one TV show to sleep through, then I’ll get writing.” I promised.

Four hours later, my husband gets home from his weekend job, and I’m still watching TV. I give him the highlights of two of the programs I watched. Granted, all four of them were interesting, but none of them were on my agenda for that day.

He tells me a bit about his day over lunch. He just started working as a driver’s ed instructor and had four driving sessions with prospective former pedestrians. They all did a great job and are motivated to get their licenses and the wheels that go with them.

“Wanna watch a movie?” he asks. He’s had a long day and wants to unwind.

I can’t. It’s already 3 pm. I gotta take Rory for his afternoon walk, and then he has a 4:00 obedience school session. I finally get home at 5:30.

“Wanna watch a movie now?” My husband just wants some time with me.

Yep. We watch a movie, hitting the pause button a few times for bathroom breaks, microwaving something for dinner, and scooping up some ice cream for dessert. We watched Hacksaw Ridge. It’s AWESOME!!!

Now it’s time for Rory’s evening walk. We get home at 9:30. Time to get ready for bed. Pick out clothes for church on Sunday, brush teeth, then lights out at 10:00.

It’s morning again. Rory’s had his walk, we’ll leave for church in an hour. My weekend is already half over, and I haven’t gotten any writing done.

I should rename my post. I’m not really a reluctant firefly. I’m a distracted firefly.

Maybe I should have got a cat.

And unplugged the TV.